Embroidery PSD mockup (73.05 Mb)

Hoop mockup with cross stitch imitation. The smart layer contains an image embroidered on the hoop, and the mechanism of the mocap filters is implemented in such a way that by placing any picture, photo or logo on the editable layer, you will get an imitation of its cross-stitching. The most realistic images are obtained on a white background. In addition, on a separate layer there is a needle and thread that can be moved, removed and the color of the thread changed. The size of the original image is 3500x2333 pixels.
Tags: #mockup_hoop#мокап_пяльца#мокап_вышивка#mockup_embroidery0 reviews
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Post author Irina Limonova
25 may 2020, 11:15
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213.12 Mb