FREE embroidery on the hoop PSD mockup (213.12 Mb)

Mockup for the most creative people. A set with threads, a hoop, on a separate background is cross-stitch embroidery. The color of the threads can be changed as you like, and the image on the hoop located in the smart layer can be created using the free font included in the set and the cross-stitch brush. Thanks to these two tools, you can create a very realistic picture by combining inscriptions and drawings. Due to the fact that the background and hanks of thread are in separate layers, their position can be changed or removed altogether. The background smart layer comes pre-installed with three options for the wooden table top. Original image size
Tags: #mockup_hoop#mockup_embroidery#мокап_вышивка#мокап_пяльца3 reviews
3,7 Overall rating5
27 may 2020, 14:50Спасибо огромное, это офигенно!!! Классный мокап!
04 june 2022, 23:37Прекрасный мокап. Большое спасибо!
18 august 2022, 13:01Это бомба, спасибо!