Mockup of a Gazelle-type van (47.3 Mb)

A mockup of a van, a low-tonnage truck of the Gazelle, Fiat, Ford type. Such vans are usually used by companies to transport goods. And, as a rule, they are pasted with a logo or some kind of image of the company. So this mockup was created so that the designer could present his work, clearly showing it on the van itself. You can change the design of the discs in the van, you can download 9 background images for this mockup separately. Mockup resolution: 8000 by 5333 at 300dpi.
Tags: #мокап_автомобиля#mockup_auto#vehicle#vehicle_mockups#mockup_car#21vehicle#мокап_машины#mockup_car#vehicle_design_layouts#мокап_фургона1 reviews
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19 december 2023, 05:50Это не мокап, просто газель по слоям